Welcome to the Dark World of Parenting

Let me be clear. I love my children. I even planned them. I’m talking counting days and ovulation tests to get them here.
I wanted them, prayed for them, danced a jig when I saw those positive pregnancy tests. Feeling their kicks was pure joy.
 They are two people I would kill for (well at least maim—I don’t look great in orange or jumpsuits). I kiss and hug them non-stop.
They are my favorites.
HOWEVER…they get on my #$%^& nerves. I mean, no one drives me bonkers quite like those two. They are the primary reason that I journal, use hair dye, and why my fridge might not have milk in it, but always has wine.
So, I’m writing this blog for all of us. The ones who truly love their children but have had thoughts of driving them to a forest and leaving them there. Oh, that’s just me? Yeah, ok.
I’m tired of the shaming of “real” parents. I’m tired of the fake smiles and the stories about how motherhood is the best thing since sliced bread.  I’m tired of people pretending like it’s ALL sweet kisses and cute school pictures, when we know, at times, it’s a soul sucking chore to even make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the ingrates.
 I’m writing this blog for you. I’m writing it for me. I want to set the fake, Stepford-ish Mommies free and tell them, “We know why you drink, Honey. Oh yeah, we understand.”
Parenting is hard and many times the rewards don’t come for maybe two decades when you MIGHT get one of them to say, “Hey Mom, thanks for like buying me stuff and coming to my plays.”
My hope is that you’ll see yourself in my struggle; you’ll know you’re not alone and you’ll fully embrace and announce to the world, “I DON’T LIKE MY KIDS!!” Just me again? Ok, whatever. Just keep reading…


  1. I'm still waiting for a thank you from the 27 year old but instead it's more of the same, "mom can I borrow" demand. The 17 year old does the opposite of everything we say. I Love them to pieces but I often question what Mr. Hale and I did wrong to produce such selfish & stubborn children. For years, I've loudly proclaimed that parenting sucks. Thanks for providing a platform to know I'm not alone in being able to love them completely but not liking them 4 out of 7 days of the week.

    1. You are far from alone, my Sis. They are maddening.

  2. Oh my gosh. Thank you for this. I’m surrounded by moms who act like they’re greatest joy in life is serving their kids. Hell, I’m glad to go to work and get away from them sometimes. The whole world revolves around these sometimes jerky children. It’s nice to just be me sometimes and not “_______’s Mom”. Looking forward to reading more from this blog. ��

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I bow down to anyone who can stay at home all day with their kids, especially after they learn to talk. I didn't get that particular patience gene.

  3. The love/hate relationship is real. I love my kids all the time but hate the way they act sometimes. Like, who raised you? Me. FOH

  4. Wow, I never thought I would feel this way but I do now that he is 21 and I can not even tell him I love him. He is living and I just do not like him right now. :-) Thanks for sharing...

    1. People love to imply that you're terrible if you don't LOVE this job. It's the hardest one we'll ever have.

  5. On the daily I want to karate chop my sons (17 &12) in their throats and hope nobody catches me. We work so hard to provide yet when we provide they expect more and more. I often think to myself what did we do wrong, are they really ours. Then I find comfort in knowing I am not alone in this journey. I talk to others with children close to my sons age and they express similar feelings. Love them dearly but can’t wait until they get to experience this and see what jerks they were. I then become sad thinking about the jerk I must have been to my parents. Damn it a vicious cycle. ��

    1. I always say that someone needs to start a "Live under the bridge" program so my kid can see what REAL struggle is. Not what he thinks it is...his charger has a short in it.

  6. Love this Nicole. I'm one of those moms, but I so appreciate this perspective CAUSE LISTEN...everyday is NOT peaches and cream. I can't wait to read more!

  7. Just when I thought I was in the in the homestretch of raising 6 kids( blended family) my youngest biological ,almost 18 wants to start acting like a fool. Great kids but ugghh lol. Smh


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